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To Build a Lodge

This lodge, deep inside the Peruvian Rainforest, was build with only nails, a chainsaw, naturally fallen trees and thatched with sustainable palm leaves collected by the indigenous people, the KuKama Tribe.


The lodge and its property are: "Remote, Untouched, Constructed From Mahogany, Ironwood, and Rosewood.The most remote Lodge set deep inside the 5,000,000 acre Pacaya Samiria National Reserve Extension Peru."

*"The Amazon Refuge is beautiful, the last inhabited place on the YanaYacu River, no-one passes, and you feel that it's just you, the jungle, and the creatures that live there. The noises of the place are incredible, the river literally jumps with fish, and the bird life is stupendous. In spite of all this activity, the camp made me feel peaceful, grounded, and rested. A place to realise how beautiful and bountiful the earth is."

*quote recent visitor

Juan Carlos Palomino Berndt "I still remember that challenge, nailing, diving with the hammer, exploring the jungle to locate the fallen trees. Cutting them and bringing them through quicksand, in one opportunity we had to make a trail through an aguajal and quicksand. We found a Jaguar with 2 babies, Paco, my helper, screamed like hell and the Jaguar roared. I said be quite, and then I crashed into the bank with the pequepeque motor and it flew to my chest while the propeller was working. I had to jump into the river and we lost the motor. We had to dive 11 meters under water to rescue the motor, and this is just a little of the whole story. Ken has always been a worrier, he has been in every dangerous moment, when we were cutting the fallen trees, when raining, and when we had to walk, and sometimes crawl like a snake through the jungle; anyway, unforgettable moments."

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